Developer Roadmap

Community-driven roadmaps, articles, and resources for developers.

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Developer Roadmap


What is Developer Roadmap?

Developer Roadmap provides community-driven roadmaps, articles, and resources to help developers navigate their learning paths. It offers interactive roadmaps that guide developers through various topics, allowing them to click on nodes to learn more about each subject. The project aims to help developers at all stages, from beginners to advanced professionals.

Key Features

  • Interactive Roadmaps: Clickable nodes to explore topics in depth.
  • Wide Range of Topics: Covers frontend, backend, DevOps, full stack, API design, computer science, data structures and algorithms, AI and data science, and more.
  • Best Practices: Interactive best practices for backend performance, frontend performance, code review, API security, AWS, and more.
  • Questions: Helps developers test, rate, and improve their knowledge on various topics including JavaScript, Node.js, React, backend, and frontend.

Available Roadmaps


Developers are encouraged to contribute by adding content, suggesting changes, discussing ideas, and spreading the word. Check out the contribution docs for more details.