Dough - AI Video Creation Tool

Dough is a tool for crafting videos with AI, allowing you to guide video generations with precision using a combination of images and example videos.

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Dough - AI Video Creation Tool


What is Dough?

Dough is an AI-powered tool designed for crafting videos. It aims to provide users with control over video generation, enabling them to create unique and beautiful videos. Using a combination of images and example videos, Dough leverages technologies like Stable Diffusion XL, IP-Adapter, Fooocus Inpainting, and others to guide video creation.

Key Features

  • Guidance Frames: Create guidance frames using various AI models.
  • Frame Assembly: Assemble frames into shots and edit them granularly.
  • Animation Parameters: Define parameters for each frame and select guidance videos for animation.
  • Output Examples: Generate videos with high precision using guidance frames and videos.

Setup Instructions

Setting up on Runpod

  1. Set up persistent storage for quick setup and project persistence.
  2. Select a machine (e.g., 4090) and open relevant ports during setup.
  3. Launch the pod and follow the setup instructions for Linux.
  4. Grab the IP Address for your instance and access it via the provided URL.
  5. Terminate the instance once done to avoid unnecessary charges.

Instructions for Linux

  1. Install the app (first-time setup only):
    curl -sSL | bash
  2. Enter the folder:
    cd Dough
  3. Run the app:
    source ./dough-env/bin/activate && ./scripts/

Instructions for Windows

  1. Open PowerShell in Administrator mode.
  2. Install the app:
    Install MS C++ Redistributable (if not already present)
    cd ~\Documents
    iwr -useb "" -OutFile "script.bat"
    Start-Process "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/c script.bat"
  3. Enter the folder:
    cd Dough
  4. Run the app:
    . .\dough-env\Scripts\activate ; .\scripts\entrypoint.bat


For common problems and issues, refer to the troubleshooting section in the documentation or join the Discord for support.

Join the Community

Share your creations and get support by joining the Dough community on Discord.


Dough is open-source and released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.