Gdańsk AI

Gdańsk AI is a full stack AI voice chatbot integrating speech-to-text, LLM, and text-to-speech functionalities, along with Auth0, OpenAI, Google Cloud API, and Stripe integrations.

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Gdańsk AI


What is Gdańsk AI?

Gdańsk AI is a comprehensive AI voice chatbot solution that includes speech-to-text, LLM, and text-to-speech capabilities. It integrates with Auth0 for authentication, OpenAI for language models, Google Cloud API for additional AI services, and Stripe for payment processing.


Gdańsk AI uses Stripe for payment infrastructure, allowing users to purchase API tokens. Auth0 handles authentication and authorization. The API is built using Node.js, TypeScript, and Express.


The web interface allows interaction with the chatbot. Built with Next.js, it currently works best in Google Chrome.


The AI API uses OpenAI and Google Cloud API to provide its core functionalities, including speech-to-text with Whisper-1, LLM with GPT-3.5-turbo, and text-to-speech with Google Cloud TextToSpeechClient. Developed with Python and FastAPI.

Setup and Usage

  • Auth0 Setup: Create an account, set up applications, APIs, and configure permissions.
  • Stripe Setup: Create an account, set up products, and obtain API keys.
  • OpenAI Setup: Generate an API key from OpenAI platform and configure .env files.
  • Google Cloud API Setup: Create a project, generate credentials, and enable the necessary API services.

Run Instructions

Follow the detailed run instructions for web-api, web, and ai-api directories provided in the README.


Refer to the troubleshooting section in the README for common issues and solutions.