medium-ai - Open-source AI-powered Text Editor

medium-ai is an open-source AI-powered text editor inspired by Medium. It supports AI features like autosuggestion and text editing, enhancing the writing experience with AI-driven capabilities.

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medium-ai - Open-source AI-powered Text Editor


What is medium-ai?

medium-ai is an open-source AI-powered text editor whose design is inspired by Medium. It offers regular rich text editor features along with AI-powered autosuggestion and text editing. The project is independent and not affiliated with

Key Features

  • AI Autosuggestion: Predicts possible ideas while typing and offers suggestions.
  • AI Edit: Allows text editing based on user instructions.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Access the project directory:
    cd medium-ai

Frontend Installation

  1. Access the frontend directory:
    cd frontend
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Start the dev server:
    npm run dev

Backend Installation

  1. Create an OpenAI API key and save it in a .env file in backend/app/config:
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment using Anaconda:
    conda create -n medium-ai python==3.9 anaconda
    conda activate medium-ai
  3. Install backend dependencies:
    cd backend
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Start the backend server:

End Notes

medium-ai is still in its early stages and may have bugs. Contributions and suggestions are welcome. Remember to frequently back up your articles.


  1. Built using Lexical.
  2. UI components created with DaisyUI.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.