Midday - Run Your Business Smarter

Midday is an all-in-one tool designed to help freelancers, contractors, consultants, and solo entrepreneurs manage their business operations more efficiently. It integrates various functions typically scattered across multiple platforms into a single, cohesive system.

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Midday - Run Your Business Smarter


About Midday

Midday is an all-in-one tool designed to help freelancers, contractors, consultants, and solo entrepreneurs manage their business operations more efficiently. It integrates various functions typically scattered across multiple platforms into a single, cohesive system.


  • Time Tracking: Allows for live time tracking of projects to boost productivity and collaboration, providing insightful project overviews.
  • Invoicing: An upcoming feature that will enable users to create web-based invoices, collaborate in real-time, and synchronize projects seamlessly.
  • Magic Inbox: Automatically matches incoming invoices or receipts to the correct transactions, simplifying financial tracking and organization.
  • Vault: Secure storage for important files like contracts and agreements, keeping everything in one place for easy access​.
  • Seamless Export: Facilitates easy export of financial data, packaged neatly in CSV files for accountants.
  • Assistant: Provides tailored insights into financial situations, helping users understand spending patterns, cut costs, and find documents.


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Get Started

We are working on the documentation to get started with Midday for local development: https://docs.midday.ai

App Architecture

  • Monorepo
  • Bun
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Nextjs
  • Supabase
  • Shadcn
  • ToDesktop
  • Expo
  • TailwindCSS


  • Supabase (database, storage, realtime, auth)
  • Vercel (Website, edge-config, and metrics)
  • Upstash (redis)


  • Trigger.dev (background jobs)
  • Resend (email)
  • Novu (notifications)
  • Github Actions (CI/CD)
  • GoCardLess (Bank connection EU)
  • Plaid (Bank connection in Canada and US)
  • Teller (Bank connection in the US)
  • Loops (Marketing email)
  • OpenPanel (Events and Analytics)
  • Dub (Short URLs)