Perplexica - AI-powered Search Engine

Perplexica is an open-source AI-powered search engine that provides deep and accurate search results using advanced machine learning algorithms.

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Perplexica - AI-powered Search Engine


What is Perplexica?

Perplexica is an open-source AI-powered search engine that goes deep into the internet to find answers. Inspired by Perplexity AI, it not only searches the web but also understands your questions using advanced machine learning algorithms like similarity searching and embeddings to refine results and provide clear answers with cited sources. It uses SearxNG to stay current and fully open source, ensuring privacy and the most up-to-date information.

Key Features

  • Local LLMs: Supports local LLMs such as Llama3 and Mixtral using Ollama.
  • Two Main Modes:
    • Copilot Mode: (In development) Generates different queries to find more relevant internet sources.
    • Normal Mode: Processes your query and performs a web search.
  • Focus Modes: Special modes for specific types of questions:
    • All Mode: Searches the entire web.
    • Writing Assistant Mode: Helpful for writing tasks without web search.
    • Academic Search Mode: Finds articles and papers for academic research.
    • YouTube Search Mode: Finds YouTube videos based on the query.
    • Wolfram Alpha Search Mode: Uses Wolfram Alpha for calculations or data analysis.
    • Reddit Search Mode: Searches Reddit for discussions and opinions.
  • Current Information: Uses SearxNG to get and rerank the most relevant sources, ensuring up-to-date information without the overhead of daily data updates.


Perplexica can be installed using Docker or manually without Docker. Docker is highly recommended for simplicity.

Getting Started with Docker (Recommended)

  1. Ensure Docker is installed and running on your system.
  2. Clone the Perplexica repository:
    git clone
  3. Navigate to the project directory and rename sample.config.toml to config.toml.
  4. Fill in the required fields in config.toml.
  5. Execute:
    docker compose up -d
  6. Access Perplexica at http://localhost:3000.

Non-Docker Installation

  1. Install SearXNG and enable JSON format.
  2. Clone the repository and configure config.toml and .env files.
  3. Install dependencies and build the project.
  4. Start the frontend and backend.

Using as a Search Engine

To use Perplexica as a search engine, add a new site search in your browser settings with the URL: http://localhost:3000/?q=%s.

One-Click Deployment

Deploy to RepoCloud

Upcoming Features

  • [x] Add settings page
  • [x] Adding support for local LLMs
  • [x] History Saving features
  • [x] Introducing various Focus Modes
  • [ ] Finalizing Copilot Mode
  • [ ] Adding Discover

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Perplexica is built on the idea that AI should be easy for everyone to use. Check out for more details.

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